Sunday 20 July 2014

Some pictures we took during the OELP :)


Trip Advisory


Timetable for Huangshan:
We hope that there would be a better timetable management. It was a pity that we did not have the chance to witness the sunset / sunrise. This segment could be included because we were all anticipating for that item. Although we did enjoy the 8km hike as a class, we felt that it would be more meaningful and have a greater sense of achievement if we saw the sunset/sunrise. We can end of the previous day earlier so that we can have ample of sleeping time and set of for huangshan earlier the next day.

Fengle ecological park:
We did not visit the fengle ecological park even after much research on that place. It was a pity for the sudden change of location. The school could have better communicated with the travel agency to avoid such things from happening again.

There could be a better planning on the activities because there was a lot of free time when only half of the class was introduced to their technology. They could have planned more meaningful activities for us to do and experience.

Baogongci park:
We feel that some of the informations in the baogongci park could be found on the net thus i think that it wasn't that necessary for us to stay and visit that place for such a long time which also made most of us very tired due to the heat. Not only that, we also weren't able to hear the tour guide clearly, lowering our efficiency.  

School immersion:
We had only visited the school for a few hours and it was a pity that we were not able to thoroughly experience China's culture and education system that was very much different from that of Singapore's. It would be more fulfilling if only we got to spend more time interacting with our buddies!

Xidi and hongcun:
We felt that the time given to walk around and shop was a little insufficient. The souvenirs sold at these sites were unique and full of China's unique flavour. However, we wished that we could be able to, perhaps, have more free time, to explore these ancient villages and their special features ourselves, as well as having time to ourselves to buy gifts for our love ones!

We could have more time to shop at that place since the souvenirs sold there brings out China's rich and unique culture. We could have also spend more time looking at the architectures there since that place also contains china's heritage. We felt that it was a pity since we did not buy as much souvenirs as we expected thus if we had more time there, we would feel even more satisfied. 


Singapore Creative Technology Hefei

High speed rail:
It is a fast mode of transport for us to travel from Shanghai to Hefei as compared to the bus ride we took to return to Shanghai from Hefei which took us around 6 hours. It is also a convenient mode of transport and its a special feature China since not many countries have this facility just like Singapore. We were also able to witness and appreciate the breathtaking scenery of China thus we think that the high speed rail is something we must experience.

Li hong zhang:
The visit to Lihongzhang former residence was very informative and i definitely learnt many things after the visit. We already had some background information about lihongzhang since we learnt about him during our history lessons before thus the visit to his former residence was able to allow us to link back to what we had learnt before. Not only that, we also understood his significance in the China history and was able to see the links in the China history we had learn thus we felt that it was actually quite an interesting visit.


Huishang big house:
We feel that the huishang big house was a not a necessary place to visit since the place wasnt able to completely bring out the heritage and culture of China. The huishang big house was actually refurnished to give people just an idea of how this house looked like thus its new look was not able to make me able to experience how was it like living in the house last time. Thus, we feel that the huishang big house can be removed.

We felt that it was unnecessary to visit meiling since the tour guide there wasn't able to bring out the unique feature of their company. We also weren't able to learn much about China's technology development since the tour guide only brought out the unique features of their refrigerator but not how their company affected China as a whole.

Before and after we visited Shexian, we also had went to many similar historical sites and what we learn from all those places was very similar. This Shexian place was not very memorable since it did not really had a unique feature and we did not buy souvenirs from there too. Since there were already so many historical sites throughout our whole oelp trip, we feel that shexian can be removed so it was not a very signicant learning visit thus we felt that this place can be removed.


Shanghai bund:
Instead of spending so much time on transport on the last day, we could have went to shanghai instead and visit the places there since we all know that Shanghai is a world class city. Also, we were actually told to compare Shanghai and Hefei but since we weren't able to visit Shanghai, we also weren't able to make the comparison thus we feel that it is a pity.

Sunday 13 July 2014

Comparison between China and Singapore

Group Work 

-Singapore has a smaller population as compared to China. 

-Singapore is a multi racial society unlike China, which is made up of Chinese mainly. Singaporeans experience the different cultures and heritage of different races and we learn to be accepting towards the differences between ourselves because we still belong to the same country. Singapore consist of races like Chinese, Malay and Indian. However, when we went to China, the only race we see is the Chinese and this is also one of the reasons why Singapore and China have a different culture. Singapore is a westernized country thus it's culture is mainly from the west. 

-China is a developing country while Singapore is a developed country.

-China has more space and resources for economic development than Singapore. In Singapore, even though we are a developed country, we have very limited space and resources for anymore development while China on the otherhand, has plenty of space and resources for development. (With this in mind the Singapore government wants to take advantage of this and become trading partners with China. Ranked the 9th largest trade partner with China, this proves to show that even though we have our differences, China is more of a friend than foe to Singapore.)

-China has a richer history as compared to Singapore. With that, China has more historical preservation campaigns and projects unlike Singapore. These rich history and culture can be used to educate current and future generations and at the same time, it is a tourist attraction, leading to the inflow of money for their country. In this aspect, Singapore is losing out because we are focusing more in the upgrading of our country.

--Singapore and China have different educational system:
-Lessons are conducted in english here whereas in China, it is in chinese. This once again brings up the topic that Singapore is a westernized country. English had become Singaporeans' first language because we converse mainly in this language. In China, we realized that people could barely speak english and their first language is chinese since they mainly converse in that. 
-They have a 10 minute break in between every period while Singaporean students do not get that privilege. However, the cons of that is that China's students get released from school as late as 5.40pm, while Singapore students get released at around 2.15pm
- It is not compulsory to take up a CCA in China however, for holistic development, secondary students in Singapore are required to have a CCA.

-China has more of their own brands that they have invested a lot of money in, to export to the other countries so as to widen their business partnerships and have more inflow of money. However,Singapore do not have as many personal brands exported and made aware of for the rest of the world. Hence, we lack in this area of development.

What makes China?

Group Work: 
China is made up of its people, delicacies, rich culture, talents and many places of interests that we can visit now.The rich heritage and culture of China gives China its identity. It is significant as people recognizes China with its unique and long past. China has a deep and rich history and their government had been preserving most of the culture and history. Places like Li Hong Zhang residence, Baogongci Park, Sanhe guzhen, hongcun villages , Shexian big house and many other places are preserved till this date. They have been one of the key sources for educating the current and future generations about their culture and values and those values are somehow what we see in the chinese today. The chinese we met have shown us great hospitality and we were all gratified by that. The optimistic students we met at the school immersion all had a pleasant disposition and they were an enthusiastic and passionate bunch of people in learning.The students are all working hard to fight for a place in the society so as to bring China to greater heights. 
China is also a country with huge land space. The large amount of land and huge manpower gives China the freedom to develop their country. Due to the huge amount of land space, it would mean that China has a lot of resources and that would mean that they would not need to import materials from other countries to for industrialization. The population of China makes up 1/7 of the entire world, making China a world-known country. The result of the high economy status of China now is the hard work of the Chinese over the years. 
Their delicacies also gave China its identity. It is their food; the origin of those food is China. They bring pride to the chinese and their country because it belongs to China and it came from the people in the past. The traditional food that are still present today brings out their culture and history even more. All in all, China is made up of different things and is unique in its own way.

Monday 7 July 2014

Learning points about either chinese culture/heritage or economic development

Amos: (economic development)
I think economic develop is really important to China. As China is developing really quickly now,with a population of 1.3 billion, China recently became the second largest economy and is increasingly playing an important and influential role in the global economy. Needing to cater to the immense population is not a easy job for the government, by developing economically, there will be a inflow of money into China and the country will become richer and thus the citizens in China will become richer with them. Economic develop will also improve the standard of living in China and which is only a luxury that certain areas in China gets to enjoy.
Entong:(economic development)
During the trip to China Anhui, I found out more about the economic development of China and learnt more about it. During the trip, we visited the ifkytek company which produces all the technology softwares and products from China itself. I could see that China's technology is very developed as it has it's own similar softwares as Apple's Siri. China's developed technology would also then show China's increasing economic development as all those technology requires much funds. Also from the Meiling company, I also learnt more about China's economic development. Meiling company produces many high technology refrigerators which again also requires a lot of funds so as to produce them. From the school immersion, I realised that classrooms also have high technology screens and computers which makes the teachers easier to teach as they don't have to use the mouse which saves up a lot of time. China's economic development allows all these technology products to be used everywhere, anytime which really made things easier for the Chinese. Although we didn't visit places in Shanghai, I could see all the skyscrapers and tall buildings during our bus trip from Anhui to Shanghai. This showed how wealthy China had progressed to and how much their economy developed. China is willing to spend money in developing the country and their technology thus I could see that China's economy is really very developed.

After the trip to a few of china's heritage places like the Li Hong Zhang residence and Baogongci Park, i have learnt about the importance of culture and heritage to the Chinese. China has taken many actions over the years in preserving their rich history and as a visitor who visited those places, i could somehow empathise with how the chinese felt about those great people from the past. They were the influential people who contributed greatly in the past and they are one of the key people who provided China with a good foundation, leading to china's success now. The values or rather rich culture that they have are all preserved for current and future generations to learn and the heroic figures are also positive examples for the chinese to learn from. By preserving so much of their culture and heritage, it not only showed me the importance of those influential people but also how the chinese have developed a sense of appreciation to the contributions of the past generations. Although China is constantly advancing towards a modern city, places like sanhe guzhen and hongcun village are still preserved. The government chose not to modernize those areas and some of the older generations who are attached to those places are still living there. I respect the government for that because with their given capabilities, it is easy them to modernise those areas. 

Qianyu:(economic development)
Although China is a "developing country", but they have been putting in enormous amount of effort to improve their economy and status. With all the factories and products that China has put out, they are now one of the largest manufacturing economy in the world. Through this OELP trip, we have visited several factories and companies that produces products and apps to reach out to more audience and sell them, so as to help boost the economy of China. Examples of which are MeiLing, a refrigerator company then has produced and innovated many refrigerators for the people's comfort. We had also visited their factory, where everything runs in an orderly fashion and awed all of us. We were amazed by their determination to work hard and bring wealth to their company and also, their country. We had also visited iFly Technology, where they produced an app for XiaoMi, China's very own line of hand phones, that makes people's everyday life much more convenient. This stretch in technology would also help to improve China's economy. All in all, from the trip, I have learnt how despite the fact that China is a huge country and there are many rural areas yet to be developed, their status in economy is still able to stay at the top due to their many innovative ideas that reached out to audiences outside of China, and thus bringing them where they are now in terms of economy.

Suikiat:(economic development)
China's economic sector has left a great impression on me as it managed to progress so much in such a short span of time. Just a few decades ago, China did not have such a robust economy but now its place in the financial market is near the top. The startling progress is unimaginable and thus it left a great impression on me.
China currently has its own brands to compete with multinational companies, with companies like meiling which is exporting its products to the rest of the world. Also, we visited the iflytek research facility, which showed us that the Chinese were not only just competing by exporting its products, but also researching its technology to outdo other countries. Hence, in conclusion, China's economy has taught me an important lesson: As long as you work hard as smart, it doesn't matter if u start late, you will catch up eventually.

Sunday 6 July 2014

OELP to Anhui, China (reflection)

Personally, i feel that that this 7 days trip to Anhui was really a fruitful experience and it was very memorable. The trip was very beneficial and informative as I really learnt a lot more on the history of China. When I was on the high speed rail travelling from Shanghai to Hefei, I realized that this mode of travelling is really very convenient and it saves up a lot of time since we took nearly 6 hour to travel from Hefei to Shanghai by bus. The high speed rail attracts tourists, thus increasing their economic development and also affecting the world's economy. During the visit to ifkytek and Meiling company, I learnt more about the technology progress of China and I also realized that China's technology is actually very developed, which is different from what I expected. Their developed technology is also one of the factor that caused their fast developing economic. For the School immersion, I feel that it is a really very meaningful experience. I was able to experience the school life of those students living in China and I have to say that it is pretty much different from ours. Their curriculum, their way of teaching and even the attitude of the students were different from us. Throughout the whole trip, I also visited many historical places and learnt more about those famous historical characters such as Li Hongzhang and Baogong. I learnt more about the traditional beliefs in China such as woman are not allowed to step out of the house and that males are superior to the females. The historical places we visited such as the traditional houses showed all the traditional beliefs thus it can also help to educate the current generation to abolish those thoughts. Not only that, I could also tell that people then had to rely on one another as they had to wash their clothes in a shared lake thus showing why people in China are so united as one. During the visit to the former residence of Li Hongzhang, I learnt more about how he contributed to the currently modernized China and how significant his role was to China. The visit to Baogongci also taught all of us that we have to be honest. Not only did the trip provided me with more information, but it also made me realized something that is more valuable which is class spirit. During our 8km hike up the Huangshan, although it was a really tough and tiring journey, all of us managed to overcome it with all the words of encouragement from our friends. The whole trip definitely made our whole class more bonded and the class spirit shown was really unforgettable. In conclusion, I feel that this whole trip is very unforgettable as there were many wonderful memories made. Although it is a learning trip, I definitely enjoyed myself and also gained more knowledge.

This OELP trip to Anhui has been an enriching experience as well as an enjoyable one. I believe the entire class has enjoyed themselves thoroughly during the short one week. Throughout this trip, we visited several historical sites like the 包公庙 and definitely learnt a lot more about China history and how these figures in the long history of China contributed to helping to build the modern China today. Also, we visited several companies and factories that contributes to the economic growth of China, which was surprisingly one of the world’s strongest economic forces albeit their world rank. Besides that, we learnt a lot more about the products they produce, like how Mei Ling produces their own brand of refrigerators and sell them to the public which would definitely improve the economic of China. We also got to visit Mei Ling’s factory which allowed us to witness the orderly and systematic fashion in which the factory produces the refrigerators.

The short two day visit to the school in Hefei also opened up our eyes on China’s different culture and how different the schools there worked compared to Singapore schools. After every lesson, the students get a 10 minute break, for them to properly rest their eyes so that they would be more focused during the next period and this was something we all envied. However, the downside of this practice of having breaks in between lessons is that the students would have to leave school at a much later time than Singapore students. Where our school normally ends at 2.30pm, students there leave school at as late as 5.40pm. We also got to visit huangshan, one of china’s most beautiful mountainous areas, and got to see before our eyes how spectacular the view from the peak was. We also learnt from our tour guides about the countless types of floras and faunas thriving there, and I came to realize that China was a place that is rich in natural resources, be it for medical purposes or otherwise. Also, we had to climb a total of 8km to get to peak, a process which was definitely not an easy one and taught us the importance of persevering till the very end, as the view was definitely worth the long climb.

This OELP trip was also an opportunity for our class to bond. Through the trip, the class has become a lot closer, no longer just sticking to their own cliques but instead hanging out with everyone in the class. Playing games during dinner just so we finish the food, taking care of those people who are sick, cheering each on while climbing Huangshan, it is these little moments and subtle moves that make us treasure the times we have together more. The teachers, Mr Liu, Ms Teo and Mr Zhong were really friendly and patient with us as well, making us feel comfortable and instead of treating us like student, we were treated as though we were their friends and thus the class and the teachers got along really well and I would just like to thank these three teachers for their care through the entire trip! Overall, this OELP trip has been a really fruitful one and looking back, there was not a moment where I did not enjoy!

Personally, I feel that this trip to Anhui China was a great exposure for students like us to know more about the development of another country. I benefited from this trip in a way that I got to know more about the differences and similarities between our country and China which I cannot simply just understand from Google. I feel that we are very lucky to be given this opportunity to attend an overseas learning trip and get to learn beyond the classroom.

Through this trip, I realised that although China is still a developing country, their developing speed is far faster than I had expected. Visits to places like the Meiling Company and iflytek gave me an impression that China’s advancement in technology is huge. It shows me that they have a strong desire to improve themselves and the country so as to lift China’s status up. However, their development in technologies did not stop them from preserving their rich history and cultures. The Baogongci Park and Li Hong Zhang residence amazed me with their different ancient architectures and display items. Many of the moral values held strongly by the past generations were all over the place, educating the current and future generations and even visitors like us. I feel that the Chinese are appreciative because by preserving their culture and history shows their acknowledgement and gratitude towards the past contributions of the great people like the Bao gong and Li Hong Zhang. I feel that this is something many of us can learn from them. I feel that Singapore is lacking in this aspect of preserving most of our culture when compared to China.

The school immersion programme was one of my favourite during this trip. The education system in China is rather different from Singapore’s. They had a longer curriculum period but frequent breaks in between lessons. They had a strong determination to do well in their studies.The students showed their enthusiasm and passion in learning. I felt really inspired by the students there because their enthusiasm could sustain throughout all the lessons. They are all fighting for a spot in the society so as to provide themselves with a higher standard of living.

The 8km Huangshan hike was another highlight of this entire trip. This was one of the key moments that bonded our class as a whole. The climb was quite tough but the reward you get after reaching the peak is one of the best things you could ever imagine. The view from the peak was scenic and breath-taking. I personally liked the part when we kept on encouraging one another while climbing the mountain because we could really feel the 2F spirit and we definitely got closer to each other after this trip.

I enjoyed the trip to China very much not really because of the location but rather the company and memories we created together during this trip. It is definitely one of the key moments in my life and I have learnt to appreciate my class even more now. Thank you to everyone who made this trip a wonderful experience!

The OELP trip is a once in a lifetimes chance to go overseas and learn about the cultures of China together with my classmates. As China is currently modernizing at an incredible speed and with a population of over 1.5 million people which is the most populated country in the world, thus it is important that we learn about the culture and language of the Chinese republic as when we enter the working world, we would have a very high chance of interacting and doing business with them. As many people say, Chinese is the language of the future, this not only shows that we have to learn Chinese language, it also shows that it is important to know more about their culture as we can use it to our advantage the next time we do business or design something for the Chinese public with a population of 1.5 billion people in China. The Chinese market is something investors, companies and businesses would want to target now and even more in the future as the population in China keeps on growing. As the younger generation and the generation that will be doing the business with China in the future, the school wants us to be prepared and learn more about the culture of China, thus the OELP trip. Upon arriving at the different places we visit in China, we could see the difference between the past and the present. From ancient villages such as Hongcun ancient village to the huge production lines of Meiling, it's evident that China still treasures the old while they are modernizing really quickly. With a history of over 6000 years it is, impossible to 
learn all of China's history. However, by learning bits and pieces, we we can
understand a little more about China which will be really useful the next times
when we enter the working world

I feel that the trip to anhui was certainly enlightening and it expanded my view of the world, allowing me to see what the conditions were like for other people in different parts of the world. I feel that anhui is quite a remarkable city when taking into account that the whole country modernised just in around 50 years. The city was quite advanced and there were even research facilities to improve the technology which countries developed for the needs of China's own people. Hence, we can have a rough gauge of how much china has developed, from a conservative monarchy into an advanced first-world country. Of course, china still has  room for development as there are many poor cities and rural areas in china, which all require the government to step in and change the way of lives of the people for the better. Hence, to conclude, i feel that china has improved a lot in the past 50 years and though there are parts where the people's lives are very bad and the government really needs to do something, china has done a relatively good job when compared to third world nations like Kenya and Nigeria. It has progressed much faster than those countries and caused other countries to respect them as formidable opponent.

Wednesday 21 May 2014


Personal Reflection:

I feel that this picture reflects about poverty in parts of the world. This picture shows a vulture eyeing on the poor and skinny child, showing that even a child had became of a prey of an animal. This makes me think back about how blessed I am to have sufficient food to eat and water to drink. People in other parts of the world are suffering from famines as well as poverty, but we continue to throw away left over food and forgetting to off the tap water. Every second, there are people dying in poor countries such as Africia, but we can do nothing about it. The only thing we can do is to appreciate what we have and stop wasting our resources. Although we are not able to do something very effective for those suffering from poverty and famines in other parts of the world, I believe that if we learn to not take things for granted and appreciate what we have, it is enough.

I am sure this picture of the vulture and a kid makes some of us feel uncomfortable. The fact that a human being had become a prey of an animal makes me feel truly upset and sorry. This paints how serious poverty had gotten in the third world countries. The kid in the picture looks like he is suffering from malnutrition and here we are wasting our food sources. I count myself lucky to be born in a developed country where i have no fears of having to face not having food or proper shelter to live in one day. Some people have started addressing this problem but while we are as students of age 14, i think the best we can do is to stop wasting resources and know how forunate we are to have proper education. It is time the world starts doing something about poverty.

I think this picture reflects poverty and it also shows how lucky and blessed we are to be able to enjoy the luxuries that we have around us, like the handphones and electricity that we take for granted. While we are here enjoying the modern and luxurious lifestyle, people are suffering in other countries, hunted as prey for vultures which feed mainly on decaying flesh due to their poverty that eventually led to their inability to feed themselves. Thus, we should not be taking these luxuries around us for granted, as in other countries, people are suffering much more while we are here complaining about first world problems such as having our phone batteries dying out. We should understand how blessed we are to be able enjoy life simply with food fed to our mouths while people in third world countries are suffering due to hunger and poverty.

 The fact that the vulture is shown in the background behind a very malnourished kid shows that the kid is so malnourished that even a vulture think it is dead as vultures are scavengers. This is just one of many pictures that show poverty. Poverty is very common throughout the whole world especially in less developed countries such as China and parts of Africa. In one of the UN conferences in the 1980s, I teenager called Severn Suzuki adressed the problem of poverty to the people in the UN conference. Even thought efforts have been made to improve the life of the poor. There is still a very distinct gap between the more fortunate and less fortunate in developed countries. One example can be our country, Singapore. Is not an uncommon sight to see construction workers from china or India working in nearby construction sites to build us fortunate people houses to live in or a place to enjoy such as shopping malls while they are working and living in such a bad condition. Even though Singapore has implemented efforts on improving the conditions which construction workers live in, there is still a long way to go.

The vulture and the child symbolizes how badly poverty is affecting the people in poorer countries. This poverty, in my opinion is beneficial for the whole human race in general as the population of 7 billion combined with a birth rate that is higher than the death rate is not sustainable for long periods of time and thus should be advocated. Global warming has affected since the industrial revolution, as the standard of living became higher. Hence, by not helping the poor, we are saving more money for the progress of the country and economic development. Of course, whether its leaders and good enough to make that country shine is a separate issue, but by not helping the poor, we are creating a more superior race as the money saved from welfare can be used to benefit the rest of the country where funds can be used. As there is a higher standard of living among the rich, this would allow more eco-friendly technology to be developed as the higher standard of living would cause more global warming. Also, funds saved from welfare can allow funding for projects like this to improve eco-friendly technology. In addition, as the poor people would die eventually without welfare funds, we would have a more controlled population to deal with and in the long run, the human race would not die out so quickly.


Our group's researched information of Anhui in the E-Book!


Group Reflection: 
We feel that this trip is very enriching and helped us learn more about Singapore's different cultures. It also allow us to fully comprehend the meaning of one Singapore, the spirit which binds all of us together as one nation.Although there are a lot of races, we are considered as one nation. The different colors represents the organizations and races and one nation represents one people' ( the fabric). It also taught us that Singapore is a multi-racial society which works together as one. Different cultures, different languages, different skin tones, different in many ways but as long as we put our hearts together as one, nothing will come in our way.

Personal Reflection:
It was my first time watching the chingay parade not on tv but in real life! Although it was just a rehearsal performance, i could say that the performers really put in their best effort. There were many elaborated and beautifully decorated floats showing different races as well as the places of interest of Singapore. I learnt more about the different ethnic races through those well decorated floats and their unique dances through the dancers and performers. It was really a fruitful experience as i was able to learn and enjoy at the same time. Not only that, the long batik cloth also showed how closely knitted is Singapore. I learnt more about the importance of racial harmony in Singapore since Singapore is a multi racial country. This was the highlight of the whole performance as it was the main focus, showing more about the theme of this year chingay parade: 布海同心. Not only was the performance amazing, there were also cheers led by students, showing how bonded our school is, even as a cohort. We also hyped up through the cheers as well as the fireworks at the end of the parade. It was really heart warming to see we, rv students, doing the cheers together, displaying school spirit. I felt that the whole chingay parade was enriching and it helped me to understand more about Singapore's culture and despite Singapore being a multi racial country, we are still united as one. I also gained more knowledge about the chingay parade, thus i feel that it was a really enjoyable trip!
This was my truly first experience in catching a live Chingay parade. It feels great to be given this opportunity to watch the parade live. It was my first time experiencing the atmosphere and the way things function there. The theme this year, 布海同心, taught me the importance of coming together as a Singapore. Neither does one person's nor his race's efforts work alone. The only time when you achieve something great is when everyone joins their efforts to develop the best the want. An example is the batik cloth which was stitched by different races and organizations. It was a huge masterpiece and without everyone, the result would not have been as satisfying. Chingay parade 2014 is a great exposure for us students to understand more about the different cultures. It was a wonderful and enriching one and i hope to experience more of such.
From the chingay, i have understood how this particular event symbolises Singapore's rich culture and history with beautiful and vibrant colours. It had symbolised the unity between different races in Singapore and how Singapore is united despite being a multi racial country. During the chingay, one of the most memorable sights was when the dancers brought out the 360m long batik. The long piece of batik, right orange in colour, was eye catching. Later then we realised its symbolism- it was sewed bit by bit together by different organisations. This fully shows how Singapore came together as one to complete this long task of sewing a 360 m long fabric just for the event  and i feel immensely proud of the country and hard work put in by many who put in effort to make this event a success and successfully bringing out the message behind chingay- we are still an unified country despite the different races.  
Chingay parade 2014 was a huge success, it was meant as learning experience. However, it also help us bond with our schoolmates more. Since we did not have to pay to go, it was even better. From each float, we can learn more about the organisation that owns the float. For an example, our group learnt that this year will be Tourism Singapore 50 year birthday as on Tourism Singapore's float, it states 50 years. Our school was very active, we kept on cheering and shaking our pom poms. Our school spirit was clearly visible and even the ushers found our school very enthusiastic and started cheering with us. Overall, the experience was a great one. In Chinese, this event was 一举两得, we bonded with our schoolmates better and took away from the event.

It was the first chingay parade i have attended in my whole life and it was spectacular. The singapore spirit there was enormous as everybody cheered for the wonderful performances, put together by those who work for weeks and months just for this eventful night. Not only did we further develop the love for our country, our school spirit was also developed as we celebrated the event together as a school and watch the brilliant performances together. This event symbolized Singapore's short but rich culture and history. This event showed the many types of celebrations the different major races of Singapore had since many years ago. It shows how Singapore is not made up of different groups of people but how Singapore is one big country where everyone is united.


Wednesday 12 February 2014

The 1 lesson I learnt so far(CID Lesson)

En Tong:
 I had learnt how to use a blog meaningfully and how to decorate a blog to make the blog more interesting so that readers would be tempted to read it. I also learnt more about how to make presentation slides more appealing like using colourful fonts, inserting pictures and a beautiful background. I also learn that a slide shouldn't have too much words if not the reader would not feel interested to read. The scripting part must also be done well to. We can add some fun facts into it and try to use simple words. When we are presenting, we should also have eye contact with the audiences so that they would be more engaged in the presentation.

Qian Yu:
I have learnt a lot of presentation skills from CID. The lessons has taught me how to make slides or our blog itself more appealing to our viewers, adding pictures and vibrant colors to attract people's attention and also it does not bore people who reads our presentation slides or our blog. Decorating the blog has been important as well to get people to read our blog. Using more pictures rather than words is more benefitting as it will be more interesting, after all, people would of course rather look through interesting pictures with vibrant and bright colors than reading a long chunk of text. These skills are important and we can apply them in our life in the future, after finding a job.

I learnt about making our things more presentable and appealing to the others. For instance, i have learnt to include more pictures on the blog rather than words because it makes the blog more interesting and people would want to read it more. I have also learnt that the design of the blog is also very important as it creates a first impression to the readers. Another example would be the recent cid project when we had to create presentation slides and the slides had to be of standards. Rather than wordy presentation slides, our group decided to write it in point form so that others would not have a tough time reading every single thing off the slides. They could just listen to our oral presentation and feel more comfortable.

Sui Kiat:
I have learnt about how to observe and understand things from different perspectives. This is a very important skill as we always have to take note of how it's like to see things from another point of view and it also helps us correct our perspective due to understanding other viewpoints. This skill will help us go far in life as we can analyze things better and will not jump to conclusions.

I have learnt a great deal of presentation skills from CID lessons. First a learnt that our slides must be clear cut and to the point. It must be kept as short as possible so that the auddiendpce will it be bored reading the screen, they would rather listen to us talk. We also learnt that we must speak loudly with confidence. Our slides must have a contrast with the colours. These presentation skills have are important for life as we might use them for job interviews and stuff like that