Monday 7 July 2014

Learning points about either chinese culture/heritage or economic development

Amos: (economic development)
I think economic develop is really important to China. As China is developing really quickly now,with a population of 1.3 billion, China recently became the second largest economy and is increasingly playing an important and influential role in the global economy. Needing to cater to the immense population is not a easy job for the government, by developing economically, there will be a inflow of money into China and the country will become richer and thus the citizens in China will become richer with them. Economic develop will also improve the standard of living in China and which is only a luxury that certain areas in China gets to enjoy.
Entong:(economic development)
During the trip to China Anhui, I found out more about the economic development of China and learnt more about it. During the trip, we visited the ifkytek company which produces all the technology softwares and products from China itself. I could see that China's technology is very developed as it has it's own similar softwares as Apple's Siri. China's developed technology would also then show China's increasing economic development as all those technology requires much funds. Also from the Meiling company, I also learnt more about China's economic development. Meiling company produces many high technology refrigerators which again also requires a lot of funds so as to produce them. From the school immersion, I realised that classrooms also have high technology screens and computers which makes the teachers easier to teach as they don't have to use the mouse which saves up a lot of time. China's economic development allows all these technology products to be used everywhere, anytime which really made things easier for the Chinese. Although we didn't visit places in Shanghai, I could see all the skyscrapers and tall buildings during our bus trip from Anhui to Shanghai. This showed how wealthy China had progressed to and how much their economy developed. China is willing to spend money in developing the country and their technology thus I could see that China's economy is really very developed.

After the trip to a few of china's heritage places like the Li Hong Zhang residence and Baogongci Park, i have learnt about the importance of culture and heritage to the Chinese. China has taken many actions over the years in preserving their rich history and as a visitor who visited those places, i could somehow empathise with how the chinese felt about those great people from the past. They were the influential people who contributed greatly in the past and they are one of the key people who provided China with a good foundation, leading to china's success now. The values or rather rich culture that they have are all preserved for current and future generations to learn and the heroic figures are also positive examples for the chinese to learn from. By preserving so much of their culture and heritage, it not only showed me the importance of those influential people but also how the chinese have developed a sense of appreciation to the contributions of the past generations. Although China is constantly advancing towards a modern city, places like sanhe guzhen and hongcun village are still preserved. The government chose not to modernize those areas and some of the older generations who are attached to those places are still living there. I respect the government for that because with their given capabilities, it is easy them to modernise those areas. 

Qianyu:(economic development)
Although China is a "developing country", but they have been putting in enormous amount of effort to improve their economy and status. With all the factories and products that China has put out, they are now one of the largest manufacturing economy in the world. Through this OELP trip, we have visited several factories and companies that produces products and apps to reach out to more audience and sell them, so as to help boost the economy of China. Examples of which are MeiLing, a refrigerator company then has produced and innovated many refrigerators for the people's comfort. We had also visited their factory, where everything runs in an orderly fashion and awed all of us. We were amazed by their determination to work hard and bring wealth to their company and also, their country. We had also visited iFly Technology, where they produced an app for XiaoMi, China's very own line of hand phones, that makes people's everyday life much more convenient. This stretch in technology would also help to improve China's economy. All in all, from the trip, I have learnt how despite the fact that China is a huge country and there are many rural areas yet to be developed, their status in economy is still able to stay at the top due to their many innovative ideas that reached out to audiences outside of China, and thus bringing them where they are now in terms of economy.

Suikiat:(economic development)
China's economic sector has left a great impression on me as it managed to progress so much in such a short span of time. Just a few decades ago, China did not have such a robust economy but now its place in the financial market is near the top. The startling progress is unimaginable and thus it left a great impression on me.
China currently has its own brands to compete with multinational companies, with companies like meiling which is exporting its products to the rest of the world. Also, we visited the iflytek research facility, which showed us that the Chinese were not only just competing by exporting its products, but also researching its technology to outdo other countries. Hence, in conclusion, China's economy has taught me an important lesson: As long as you work hard as smart, it doesn't matter if u start late, you will catch up eventually.

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